Vortragsfolien Webmention
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/webmention-folien.htm 2017-09-01
Gestern Abend habe ich zum monatlichen Treffen der PHP UserGroup Leipzig einen Vortrag zu den W3C
Services_Linkback 0.3.0 released
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/services_linkback.htm 2016-08-11
Yesterday I released Services_Linkback in version 0.3.0. It is a PHP library that provides you
shpub 0.5.1
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/shpub-051.htm 2017-08-29
It turns out that shpub - the Micropub client for the shell - is used by people to push content
Hacking a chatbot
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/chatbot-hacking.htm 2017-06-28
The indieweb IRC channels have a permanent occupant: Loqi, a chat bot. It does a number of
Broken in plain sight
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/broken-plain-sight.htm 2018-03-12
automatically by feed readers. Indieweb proponents like Tantek Çelik prefer it over Atom feeds
IndieAuth-OpenID proxy
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/indieauth-openid.htm 2014-06-11
The IndieWeb movement is much about "code before talk", and on this way wheels are reinvented
Federation support on indieauth.com
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/federated-indieauth.htm 2015-06-17
indieauth.com, the service that is used by the IndieWebCamp Wiki to authenticate users, finally
Publish your PGP key on your website
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/publish-pgp-key-website.htm 2015-05-09
IndieAuth.com lets you login by signing a random text with the PGP key linked on your web site
Micropub plugin for Tiny Tiny RSS
Christian Weiske cweiske.de/tagebuch/tt-rss-micropub.htm 2017-06-01
I wrote a plugin for the Tiny Tiny RSS feed reader that allows you to reply to blog posts directly